Friday, October 22, 2010

Yo-Yo Dieting Not Working?

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Brian Schemp

What is nutritional cleansing?  Nutritional cleansing is cleansing your body of impurities while nourishing it with the nutrients that it needs to survive.

Isagenix is the leader in nutritional cleansing.  Why yo-yo dieting doesn't work.  When you diet, you starve your body, not only are you reducing your calories, but your not giving your body the nutrients that it needs to live off of.  Once you stop the diet, your body takes over and the cravings kick in and you start feeding your body all the things that it previously lacked, good and bad.  Your body doesn't care, it just knows it needs nutrients.  What happens?  You gain back the weight you just lost, bad thing is you will probably gain more weight back than what you lost.

Why Isagenix and Nutritional Cleansing is the better solution.  Nutritional Cleansing doesn't deprive your body of nutrients.  Instead of starving your body, you are feeding your body, you are helping your bodies natural cleansing process to rid the impurities.  What happens when you do this?  You feel better, you lose weight, you have more energy, you're hydrating your cells.... you have an all-over feeling of well-being.  Why is it important to feed the body when dieting?  Do you want to keep the weight off?  Treat your body like a plant or tree.  If you don't fertilize it, water it, care for it, it begins to wilt and die.  Your body needs nutrients, water and care as well.  Without those things, your organs shutdown, your cells dry up and you get sick like the plant or tree.

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