Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Professional Skater Sets Sail With Isagenix®

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Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate

Professional Skater Sets Sail With Isagenix®

Samantha “Sammi” has been figure skating since she was three years old and has competed at the junior, national and international level. However, at the age of 24, she was burnt out from competitive skating. With the toll it had taken on her body, she felt like her career could be over. It was at that time that she was introduced to Isagenix® and began her first nutritional cleanse.

“After using Isagenix, I felt ten times better than I had before,” explains Sammi. “Not only did I lose inches, but I felt more energy, clarity and less fatigue. I thought that if I could feel this great in just a short period of time; just imagine what it could do for me every day.”

The true “recovery and regeneration” Sammi felt from Isagenix helped her return to skating where she has spent the last two years performing in ice shows with Royal Caribbean International cruise line. One of the highlights of her cruise career was performing in front of members of her Isagenix family as part of the Adventures in Paradise cruise in March 2008.

“It was amazing to feel the support and excitement of Isagenix and to be able to skate for the first time in front of my sponsors, trainers and friends,” says Sammi.

Now she sails around the world for seven months at a time performing as many as six shows a week, sometimes four shows in a 24-hour period. She also hosts public skating sessions, lessons, makes appearances in parades and other cruise shows, and works out six days a week. She relies on IsaLean® Shakes as well as other Isagenix supplements to stay lean, healthy and energized.

“Cruise food is limited and not always nutritionally balanced,” explains Sammi. “Isagenix is the cornerstone of my diet, especially as an athlete.”
*The weight-loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. An unpublished 2008 university study showed a statistically significant weight loss of seven pounds during the first nine days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

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Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate

Diabetic Trainer Finds "Food for Thought" in Isagenix®

Jenna, a personal trainer and fitness instructor, was looking to lose a few stubborn pounds and jump start her energy levels. At age 26, she has a thriving business plus a teaching schedule at a Los Angeles-area gym. Her workouts are grueling and her days are jam-packed. Most importantly, because she has Type 1 diabetes, Jenna must constantly monitor her blood sugar and keep a watchful eye on everything she puts into her body.

After being contacted by an Isagenix® Associate who read about her training program in The Los Angeles Times, Jenna tried a 30-Day System. She was reluctant at first because so many people had wanted her to try their products. However, she finally made the choice to try Isagenix and started to really enjoy the system and the results she experienced.

"I lost two inches around my waist, two inches from my thighs and shed probably 10 pounds*," says Jenna, who doesn't believe in using a scale, calling it the "guilt box."

One of the best benefits Jenna discovered with Isagenix was the bounce in her energy level, which no longer required her to take afternoon naps between her high-powered workouts. She even gave up her occasional cravings for caffeine.

Like many diabetics, Jenna was skeptical at first about Nutritional Cleansing and how it would affect her blood sugar levels, but was pleasantly surprised to learn that Isagenix products may be successfully taken without effecting her blood sugar and glucose levels.**

"Isagenix has had a tremendous impact on my life and everyone saw the shift in me physically, spiritually and mentally. People were dying to know what I was doing differently," shares Jenna, who was ecstatic about her results, but reluctant to make Isagenix a business because of her busy schedule. "I found myself happily talking about Isagenix with everyone I knew, even people I didn't know."

Jenna now considers Isagenix part of her "Mission Possible™" lifestyle, which encourages people to make smarter lifestyle choices and improve their quality of life with daily physical activity and healthy food. Jenna has even reached out to fellow diabetics to share her results.

"Following a diet requires a lot of discipline, but being on an Isagenix system helps everyone to stay on track. When people hear 'cleanse' they think 'no food' and 'fasting,'" explains Jenna. “Once people realize they can still enjoy their favorite meals in moderation while on Isagenix, it has made all the difference in their willingness to try the system."

Jenna continues to motivate people to love exercise and try new foods like Isagenix to show them there are healthy alternatives to eating out or fast foods. It's what she refers to as her "food for thought." She enjoys substituting IsaDelight® for desserts when eating out with friends and remains mindful that even the smallest choices can make a huge difference.

"Isagenix products have changed my life," Jenna explains. "I can see myself on these products for life. Enduring a hardcore workout seems more like child's play after prepping my body with Ionix® Supreme and an Isagenix IsaLean® Shake."
*The weight-loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. An unpublished 2008 university study showed a statistically significant weight loss of seven pounds during the first nine days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to dignose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Willie Gault - Isagenix Story

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Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate

You Get Out What You Put In®.

Willie, a sensational sprinter, NFL wide receiver, Super Bowl Champion
and Olympian, is still beating the clock and breaking records even in his 40s.
All the while, he’s fueling his body with Isagenix

Product of the Product

“After being introduced to Isagenix over a year ago, I started researching the company and realized they don’t compromise on their products. Every ingredient is tested for potency and the finished product is also tested for label claims — meaning what you see on the label is exactly what you get. Very few companies do that,” says Willie. Even though he eats sensibly, sticks to organic foods, he knows Isagenix is the best fuel for his body. Willie can still bench-press more than 225 pounds, easily perform
1,600 crunches and currently trains with a professional track team — and he owes his ability to push his limits like he once did in his 20s to Isagenix.

“I only get this one body and it’s not like a car that I can trade in if I total it.”


Last April, Willie ran the 100-meter dash in under 11 seconds, just seventenths
of a second slower than his personal best nearly three decades ago
and only a step behind the world-record holder. Today, Willie, who was part of
the record-setting 1983 U.S. Olympic relay team and a bronze medal winner
in the 110-meter hurdles, is a world record holder for runners over the age
of 45.

Giving Back

When he’s not breaking records, this father of two is giving back by sharing
Isagenix with others and redefining what a role model is through his
philanthropic organization, Athletes For Life Foundation. The AFL is
dedicated to providing opportunities for young athletes, wellness programs
and even cardiac screening through his free mobile heart detection unit to
people nationwide.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Among Nation's Fastest-Growing Companies, 4 years in a row

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Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate


Isagenix® Named Among Nation’s Fastest-Growing Companies
World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing™ Makes Coveted List Four Straight Years

CHANDLER, Ariz. (August 24, 2010) – Recognizing the continuing rapid growth of Isagenix® for a fourth consecutive year, Inc. magazine today ranked the World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing™ No. 2,653 on its fourth annual Inc. 5000, an exclusive ranking of the nation's fastest-growing private companies. The list represents the most comprehensive look at the most important segment of the economy—America’s independent-minded entrepreneurs.

“We are honored to be recognized for the fourth year in a row as one of the Inc. 5,000 fastest growing private companies,” said Isagenix President and CEO Jim Coover. “This is a testimony to our life-changing nutritional systems and products and our partnership with our independent Isagenix Associates.”

Isagenix was also ranked No. 36 among the Top Companies in the Phoenix metro area.

Established in 2002, the Chandler-based health-and-wellness company achieved more than $1 billion in cumulative sales in early 2010 with its international sales force of more than 200,000 home-based business Associates in the United States and multiple international markets including Canada, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and now Mexico. Since its inception, Isagenix has created nearly 50 millionaires, hundreds of six-figure earners and led thousands of others to build residual income from distributing its products.

Isagenix offers targeted and complete systems that make it convenient for people to achieve safe, lasting weight loss and replenish youthful vitality. Combining cleansing with a low-calorie meal regimen and infusion of essential nutrients for a total health and wellness approach, the systems focus on Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing. Different from traditional yo-yo diets, Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing promotes proper eating habits, replenishes the body with vitamins, minerals and nutrients needed to support the body as it naturally removes environmental impurities that can damage the cells and impede weight loss. Isagenix consumers have lost more than 5.4 million pounds and 6.5 million inches in the past seven years, while improving their health and wellness.

Complete results of the Inc. 5000, including company profiles and an interactive database that can be sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found on

The 2010 Inc. 500|5000 is ranked according to percentage revenue growth when comparing 2006 to 2009. To qualify, companies must have been founded and generating revenue by June 30, 2006. Additionally, they had to be based in the United States, privately held, for profit, and independent—not subsidiaries or divisions of other companies—as of December 31, 2009. (Since then, a number of companies on the list have gone public or been acquired.) The minimum revenue required for 2006 is $80,000; the minimum for 2009 is $2 million. As always, Inc. reserves the right to decline applicants for subjective reasons. The top 10 percent of companies on the list constitute the Inc. 500, now in its 29th year.

About Isagenix
Isagenix®, the World Leader in Nutritional Cleansing and Replenishing™, develops and manufactures systems for sustainable health habits, youthful vitality and skincare. Isagenix products are distributed through an independent network of Associates in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Mexico. The company’s vision is to impact world health and free people from physical and financial pain. Isagenix, established in 2002, is a privately owned company with headquarters in Chandler, Ariz. and a member of the Direct Selling Association. For more information, visit

About Inc. Magazine
Founded in 1979 and acquired in 2005 by Mansueto Ventures LLC, Inc. ( is the only major business magazine dedicated exclusively to owners and managers of growing private companies that delivers real solutions for today’s innovative company builders. With a total paid circulation of 712,647, Inc. provides hands-on tools and market-tested strategies for managing people, finances, sales, marketing, and technology. Visit us online at


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Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate

Study - Most Popular Diets Lack Vitamins and Minerals

Losing weight is an admirable goal, but not if proper nutrition is lost in the process. Most popular diets do not provide adequate intake of vitamins and minerals and these could put dieters at higher risk of  nutrient deficiencies, a new study reports.
Christopher Gardner and his colleagues from Stanford Prevention Research Center and the Department of Medicine, Stanford University Medical School evaluated micronutrient quality of four diets—Atkins, Zone, LEARN (Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitudes, Relationships), and Ornish—and found each failed to provide adequate amounts of certain vitamins and minerals.
The researchers, who published their findings June 23 in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, wrote, “We found that among a free-living population trying to follow alternative weight-loss diets, the intakes of several micronutrients were potentially inadequate, which differed by diet group. Given that successful weight loss and its maintenance require adopting new dietary habits and sustaining them on an ongoing basis, the long-term implications of these potentially inadequate intakes could result in clinically relevant nutritional deficiencies.”
Study Details
In the study, participants included 311 premenopausal overweight or obese women ages 25 to 50 who were recruited from Stanford’s A TO Z trial (a large randomized trial comparing weight-loss diets). They were randomly assigned to read one of four diet books: Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution (2002) (5); Enter the Zone, A Dietary Roadmap (1995) (6); The LEARN Program for Weight Management 2000 (9th edition, 2000) (20); or Eat More Weigh Less (2001) by Dean Ornish.
Each of the diet groups also attended one-hour evening classes each week for eight weeks. The participants were told to master their assigned diet during the eight weeks, and then follow it for the next 10 months. The researchers collected data on dietary intake from the participants by making unannounced 24-hour dietary recall assessments by telephone.
Of the four different diets, the Zone fared best for micronutrient adequacy, which the authors attribute to its balanced 40:30:30 distribution of calories from carbohydrate, fat and protein. The nutrients lacking in those following the Ornish diet were vitamin E, B12 and zinc; for Atkins: thiamin, folic acid, vitamin C and iron; and for LEARN: vitamin E, thiamin  and magnesium.
Data from the study were based on food intake alone and did not include  dietary supplements. However, the authors note that the participants who didn’t take supplements prior to dieting continued to avoid  multivitamin or multimineral supplement while dieting.
Low Calories Without Sacrificing Micronutrients
When reducing caloric intake, it’s important to be aware that doing so may also lead to decreased micronutrient intake, the authors concluded. Additionally, the higher-protein, moderately low-carbohydrate Zone diet was the best in also providing nutrient-dense foods.
Choosing foods that are nutrient dense or regular supplementation with essential vitamins and minerals is critical for long-term health.
Similarly,  findings from another study (May issue of Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition), reported other popular diets such as Atkins for Life, The South Beach Diet, DASH, and The Best Life Diet also resulted in micronutrient deficiencies.

Study Reference: Gardner CD, Kim S, Bersamin A et al. Micronutrient quality of weight-loss diets that focus on macronutrients: results from the A TO Z study. Am J Clin Nutr 2010.

Why Nutritional Cleansing for children

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Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate

by Andrea Frank Henkart, MA, CCE, CHHE, CNC

Nearly 1 in 3 American children are overweight or obese. Because this is such a growing tragedy, the President of the United States of America officially declared September 2010 as National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month. This declaration brings national attention to a growing epidemic among youth in the United States.
According to The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), 10.4 percent of American children ages 2 to 5 are obese, 19.6 percent of kids between 6 to 11 are obese, and 18.1 percent of adolescents ages 12 to 19 are obese. Pediatricians and gastroenterologists continue to link this obesity epidemic to an increasing number of children with diabetes, high blood pressure and liver disease. Experts blame:
  • The prevalence of junk food and sodas marketed to kids
  • Lack of exercise
  • Too much time watching television and playing video games
  • The decline in the number of families that take time to sit down and eat together
  • Toxicity in the environment
Statistics show that soda, French fries, potato chips, hamburgers and chocolate comprise 70 percent of the American diet. No wonder America’s health is so awful. Unfortunately, countries around the world are quickly catching up. Diets rich in fresh fruits and vegetables have given way to processed foods filled with fat, salt and sugar. New estimates indicate that about half a million children in Europe are combating the same kinds of health problems suffered by middle-aged adults simply because they are overweight.
The explosion in obesity rates and obesity-related diseases have made us keenly aware of the need to make global changes in our collective behavior. When it comes to our kids, we have to make sure the message is about healthful living, not just weight. In all their eagerness to stem the obesity epidemic, parents must make sure they do not damage their kids’ self-esteem by reinforcing negative body image. It is rare to find an adolescent girl who feels good about her body. Boys are increasingly affected as well.
Of course the media feeds into this frenzy by suggesting that if we look a certain way we can get what we want out of life. With all the lifting, tucking and nipping shown on TV, it is no wonder that girls are untrusting of their own bodies, while boys turn to steroids and other methods to alter the way they look. I highly recommend that parents change the focus from looking good to being healthy.
Be Supportive
Children usually know if they are overweight and do not need to be reminded or singled out. They need acceptance, encouragement and love.
  • Plan family activities that involve exercise. Instead of watching TV, go hiking or biking, wash the car or take an after-dinner walk. Offer choices, then let your kids decide which activity the family will participate in.
  • Set family agreements for the amount of time your kids can spend watching television or playing video games. Let your kids participate in the making of those agreements so they feel involved and in control. Re-negotiate whenever necessary.
  • Be sensitive. Find activities your children will enjoy that are not difficult or that could cause embarrassment.
  • Eat meals together as a family and eat at the table, not in front of a television. Eat slowly and enjoy your food.
  • Do not use food as a reward or punishment. Children should not be placed on restrictive diets, unless done so by a doctor for medical reasons. Children need healthy food for growth, development and energy. Buy organic meats, fruits and vegetables whenever you can to avoid harmful pesticides, hormones and antibiotics in your food.
  • Make Isagenix available to your kids. Offer IsaLean® Shakes, IsaLean® Bars, SlimCakes®, and Isagenix Snacks!™ Take turns blending the IsaLean Shakes and let your kids create their own healthy smoothies.
  • Involve your kids in meal planning and grocery shopping. This helps them learn and gives them a role in the decision making.
  • Keep healthy snacks on hand. Good options include fresh, organic fruits and vegetables, low-fat cheese, plenty of fresh water and IsaLean Bars. Look for non-allergenic, healthy snacks you can buy in your local health food store.
Armed with nutritional knowledge and honest concern for your child’s health, it is easy for food to become a source of conflict, especially if you have teenagers in the house.
Avoid bargaining or bribing kids to eat (or not eat as the case may be) and avoid using dessert as a prize. Do not force your kids to finish their food. This just teaches them to ignore their own feelings of fullness.
A better strategy may be to give your kids some control by letting them decide when they are hungry and when they are full. You are still in control over which foods are available at home, both at mealtime and between meals by only buying healthy, wholesome, nutritionally rich food.
Long-term good health is less an accident than the result of and wise choices. Habits that include eating nutritious foods and understanding the relationship between physical and emotional health will help your child grow up healthy. Good nutrition does not mean that your children cannot eat their favorite foods or that they have to eat foods they do not like. Just monitor the sugary snacks, fast food and fatty desserts whenever possible. To enjoy good health now and in the future, learn how to create balance through eating right, exercising, getting enough sleep and controlling stress.