Sunday, September 19, 2010

Willie Gault - Isagenix Story

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Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate

You Get Out What You Put In®.

Willie, a sensational sprinter, NFL wide receiver, Super Bowl Champion
and Olympian, is still beating the clock and breaking records even in his 40s.
All the while, he’s fueling his body with Isagenix

Product of the Product

“After being introduced to Isagenix over a year ago, I started researching the company and realized they don’t compromise on their products. Every ingredient is tested for potency and the finished product is also tested for label claims — meaning what you see on the label is exactly what you get. Very few companies do that,” says Willie. Even though he eats sensibly, sticks to organic foods, he knows Isagenix is the best fuel for his body. Willie can still bench-press more than 225 pounds, easily perform
1,600 crunches and currently trains with a professional track team — and he owes his ability to push his limits like he once did in his 20s to Isagenix.

“I only get this one body and it’s not like a car that I can trade in if I total it.”


Last April, Willie ran the 100-meter dash in under 11 seconds, just seventenths
of a second slower than his personal best nearly three decades ago
and only a step behind the world-record holder. Today, Willie, who was part of
the record-setting 1983 U.S. Olympic relay team and a bronze medal winner
in the 110-meter hurdles, is a world record holder for runners over the age
of 45.

Giving Back

When he’s not breaking records, this father of two is giving back by sharing
Isagenix with others and redefining what a role model is through his
philanthropic organization, Athletes For Life Foundation. The AFL is
dedicated to providing opportunities for young athletes, wellness programs
and even cardiac screening through his free mobile heart detection unit to
people nationwide.

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