Tuesday, September 21, 2010

On the web: http://wholesalepricing.isagenix.com/us/en/diabetes_pak-ageless_essentials_daily_pack.dhtml
By email:  livelife232@cox.net
or by phone: 602.524.9914

Brian Schemp - Isagenix Independent Associate

Diabetic Trainer Finds "Food for Thought" in Isagenix®

Jenna, a personal trainer and fitness instructor, was looking to lose a few stubborn pounds and jump start her energy levels. At age 26, she has a thriving business plus a teaching schedule at a Los Angeles-area gym. Her workouts are grueling and her days are jam-packed. Most importantly, because she has Type 1 diabetes, Jenna must constantly monitor her blood sugar and keep a watchful eye on everything she puts into her body.

After being contacted by an Isagenix® Associate who read about her training program in The Los Angeles Times, Jenna tried a 30-Day System. She was reluctant at first because so many people had wanted her to try their products. However, she finally made the choice to try Isagenix and started to really enjoy the system and the results she experienced.

"I lost two inches around my waist, two inches from my thighs and shed probably 10 pounds*," says Jenna, who doesn't believe in using a scale, calling it the "guilt box."

One of the best benefits Jenna discovered with Isagenix was the bounce in her energy level, which no longer required her to take afternoon naps between her high-powered workouts. She even gave up her occasional cravings for caffeine.

Like many diabetics, Jenna was skeptical at first about Nutritional Cleansing and how it would affect her blood sugar levels, but was pleasantly surprised to learn that Isagenix products may be successfully taken without effecting her blood sugar and glucose levels.**

"Isagenix has had a tremendous impact on my life and everyone saw the shift in me physically, spiritually and mentally. People were dying to know what I was doing differently," shares Jenna, who was ecstatic about her results, but reluctant to make Isagenix a business because of her busy schedule. "I found myself happily talking about Isagenix with everyone I knew, even people I didn't know."

Jenna now considers Isagenix part of her "Mission Possible™" lifestyle, which encourages people to make smarter lifestyle choices and improve their quality of life with daily physical activity and healthy food. Jenna has even reached out to fellow diabetics to share her results.

"Following a diet requires a lot of discipline, but being on an Isagenix system helps everyone to stay on track. When people hear 'cleanse' they think 'no food' and 'fasting,'" explains Jenna. “Once people realize they can still enjoy their favorite meals in moderation while on Isagenix, it has made all the difference in their willingness to try the system."

Jenna continues to motivate people to love exercise and try new foods like Isagenix to show them there are healthy alternatives to eating out or fast foods. It's what she refers to as her "food for thought." She enjoys substituting IsaDelight® for desserts when eating out with friends and remains mindful that even the smallest choices can make a huge difference.

"Isagenix products have changed my life," Jenna explains. "I can see myself on these products for life. Enduring a hardcore workout seems more like child's play after prepping my body with Ionix® Supreme and an Isagenix IsaLean® Shake."
*The weight-loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. An unpublished 2008 university study showed a statistically significant weight loss of seven pounds during the first nine days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to dignose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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